
Audio articles

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These audio versions of original academic articles have undergone a basic editing for their text-to-speech translation. Particularly in-text references have been omitted in view of a smoother listing experience.

Roth S. and Valentinov V. (2023) Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension. Published in Sociology of Health & Illness.

(Duration: 43:57 min).

Roth S. (2021) The great reset. Restratification for lives, livelihoods, and the planet. Published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

(Duration: 55:36 min).

Roth S. (2021) The great reset of management and organization theory. A European perspective. Published in the European Management Journal.

(Duration: 39:40 min).

Roth, S. (2021) Der Staat des multifunktionalen Liberalismus. Zu den Entscheidungsprämissen der nächsten politischen Ökologie. Published in: Bruns, W. und Ronge, V. (Hrsg.) Die Irritation der Gesellschaft durch Lockdown. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.

(Hördauer: 57:17 Min)