
Profiles: Google Scholar ∙ ∙ ORCID

Featured Publications

#Assessed as Top 10 article co-/authored by Lithuanian-based researchers in the field of social sciences in the periods of 2011-2020 (1,2), 2012-2021 (1,2), and 2013-2022 (2) (source: Research Council of Lithuania).

Journal Articles

  • Valentinov V. and Roth S. (2022), Chester Barnard’s theory of the firm: an institutionalist view. Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 56 No. 3, pp. 707-720 [SSCI .854, Scopus, CNRS**, CABS**].
  • Augustinaitis A., Kaivo-oja J., Laureus T., Kiskiene A., Bzhalava L., and Roth S. (2022), Evaluation of the implementation of smart specialisation strategy in the Lithuanian industry, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vol. 23 No. 6, 1299–1314 [SSCI 2.028, Scopus, CABS**].
  • Sales A., Roth S., Grothe-Hammer M., and Azambuja R. (2022), From play to pay: A multifunctional approach to the role of culture in post-merger integration. Management Decision, Vol. 60 No. 7, pp. 1922-1946 [SSCI 5.589, Scopus, CNRS*, FNEGE**, CABS**, VHB**].
  • Ionescu A. M., Clipa A.-M., Turnea E.-S., Bedrule-Grigoruta M. V., and Roth S. (2022), The impact of innovation framework conditions on corporate digital technology integration: institutions as facilitators for sustainable digital transformation, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 1037–1059 [SSCI 2.028, Scopus, CABS**].
  • Laursen K. B., Harste G., and Roth S. (2022), Moral communication observed with social systems theory. An introduction. Kybernetes, Vol. 51 No. 5, pp. 1653-1666 [SCI 1.754, Scopus, CABS*].

Selected pre-2019 articles

Edited Books and Journal Issues


  • Kleve H., Roth S. und Simon F.B. (2020), Lockdown: Das Anhalten der Welt. Eine Debatte zur Domestizierung von Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesundheit. Heidelberg, Carl Auer.
  • Amann W., Dchieche A., and Roth S. (2020), Understanding Islamic business. Borsdorf and Paris, Edition Winterwork and Knowledge@HEC.
  • Roth S. (2010), Markt ist nicht gleich Wirtschaft. These zur Begründung einer allgemeinen Marktsoziologie. Heidelberg, Carl Auer Verlag.

Book Chapters

Conference proceedings

  • Roth S. and Pérez-Valls M. (2018), Was That Trendy? Big Data Analysis of Social Trends, Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Vol. Surrey, No. 2018, DOI: 10.5465/amgblproc.surrey.2018.0052.abs.

