Release | Spaceship Earth. A total institution

Abstract: The concept of Earth as a planetary spaceship serves as a root metaphor of ecological economics, sustainability science, and the broader environmental movement. This article first explores the origins of this metaphor and elucidates the core components and functions of a hypothetical Spaceship Earth. It then draws on Erving Goffman’s characteristics of total institutions to show that such a spaceship would epitomise the most total institution ever known in human history. Acknowledging the continued influence of spaceship thinking, the article concludes by offering first hints to emergency exits from a planetary total institution with no mission other than orbiting another celestial body.

Keywords: Escape room, circular economy, planetary health, austerity, Second Copernican Revolution.

Written text: This article is available for download here (journal website, free before 11 July 2024) or here (PDF).

Audio: There is also a text-to-speech version available for download here (MP3) or audible here.

Suggested citation: Roth S. (2024), Spaceship Earth. A total institution, Ecological Economics, Vol. 223, 108243.

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